🔨There are so many styles and periods I love, but to sum me up I would say my favourite look is Primitive/ Modern
I had been searching high and low for a Credenza that would reflect this look but nope, nothing to be found so that’s when I decided to try and make my dream cupboard myself.
I found two pine IKEA Ivar cabinets on Facebook marketplace and I figured with some doctoring here and there I could make it work.. I wanted to use only found pieces and timber I had laying around.
Firstly I had to cut down the doors to remove the finger grooves, then replace what I’d cut away with some plain scrap timber.
Then to filling in the holes where the original owner had attached some little round knobs, then on to texturing the wood with an angle grinder. This took many hours and created lots of sawdust :).
Then to making the latches. I’ve carried around this box of scrap wood knowing one day it would be useful and here was the day!.
Next was building a plinth, this I made from some old palette timber.
Finally on to sanding, staining and putting it all together..
I’ve still so much to do on the house, but I just wanted to get my teeth into a project with a big visual impact..Â
So happy with how this piece came out even if I did invent a good many swear words..
#primitivemoderninteriors #ikeahack #interiordesign #ikeaivarhack #knightmills #reusereducerecycle #folkfurniture
